湾岸協力理事会(以下略称:GCC)は、4月22日(水)~24日(金)までの3日間、東京でセミナーを開催しました。「GCC DAYS IN JAPAN」と題したセミナーには、GCC加盟6か国からの大勢の出席者に加え、日本の多数の有識者が参加し、各国の課題や懸念を共有した上で、バランスの取れた対話の構築を目指して、様々な議論が行われました。
Between the 22nd and 24th April 2015, the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf Nations (GCC) held three days of seminars in Tokyo. These “GCC DAYS IN JAPAN” seminars were attended by many GCC delegates from the six member nations, as well as high-ranking and influential Japanese participants, with the aim of not only discussing countries’ issues and concerns, but also to establish balanced dialogues.
キャンドルウィックは本イベントの運営とメディアリレーションを担当しました。GCC DAYSイベントとしては世界で10回目、日本での開催は初めてです。
Candlewick was proud to be in charge of organizing and managing this prestigious event – the 10th ever GCC DAYS event to be held around the globe, and the first time for such an event to be held in Japan.
Each day focused on a different topic of debate and discussion. Day 1 looked at economic collaboration between Japan and the GCC nations, both at its current state, but also at future collaborations. Day 2 focused on bilateral relations, and Day 3 on media cooperation between the six GCC countries and Japan.
GCCの文化担当事務局長補ハーリッド ビン サーレム ビン モハメド アルガッサーニ閣下(オマーン)が主催者代表として、それぞれのセミナーで歓迎の辞を述べました。各セッションでも登壇者間の議論のみならず、来場者からの質問やコメントも積極的に寄せられました。
Each day’s session invited Assistant Secretary-General for Cultural & Information Affairs, His Excellency Mr. Khalid Bin Salem Bin Mohammed Al-Ghassani, to make a welcome speech. Lively discussions took place throughout the sessions, with participants in the audience invited to ask questions and give comments.
The Gulf Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf was established in 1981 between the following 6 nations: The United Arab Emirates; The State of Bahrain; The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; The Sultanate of Oman; The State of Qatar; and The State of Kuwait. Each GCC member nation enjoys strong relations with Japan, and participant speeches from both sides highlighted the importance of these bonds between nations, and their interest in further increasing and strengthening relations in the future.
The seminars were attended by over 200 people each day, with over 30 members of the media in attendance, both as guests and to cover this special event. We look forward to supporting the GCC with any future events and seminars in Japan!