7月4日から14日まで、六本木ヒルズの展望台にて開催したニューカレドニア観光局主催イベント、「ニューカレドニア スカイビーチ」が終了し、総勢約17,000人を超える来場者を記録しました。
New Caledonia Tourism’s event entitled “New Caledonia Sky Beach: Resort experience at 250 meters above sea level” was held at the Sky Gallery, Roppongi Hills observation deck “Tokyo City View” from 7/4 to 7/14. More than 17,000 people in total explored the charms of this tropical paradise.
The event was designed for guests to use all five senses to experience the beauty of the archipelago. The aroma of the indigenous plant “niaouli” filled the venue as the short movie of New Caledonia was shown. Next to a nail bar providing breathtaking designs inspired from the French territory surrounded by world heritage lagoons, there was a sand message corner using the pure white sand only from Nokanhui islet, the “hidden” island, and a mini bar and boutique with local beer and goods for guests to try and take home.
Visitors had diverse backgrounds: those who never heard of New Caledonia, couples who were planning to visit after recommendations by friends, those who had already traveled and fallen in love with the islands and were looking forward to visiting again, and parents planning to take their junior high school daughter to their honeymoon destination after all these years. The guests all enjoyed the ambience and attraction of New Caledonia.
【Photos】 Clockwise from left: Visitors watching the “Revalue Yourself” short movie on the large screen; display of “New Caledonia Tourism X GUACAMOLE” collaboration swimsuits designed to reflect this tropical paradise; drawing sand messages using the pure white sand from the “hidden” Nokanhui islet; a minibar and boutique with rarities such as food and goods from New Caledonia.
Nail bar with the one-and-only nail designs inspired by New Caledonia, created in collaboration with renowned manicurists.
同階の展望台カフェ「THE SUN」にてニューカレドニア限定オリジナルメニューも販売。ニューカレドニアの特産物である“天使の海老”を丸ごと使ったサンドウィッチや、ニューカレドニアの美しい自然をイメージしたカクテルなど、期間限定のメニューを販売し、多くの来場者にニューカレドニアの食文化も楽しんでいただきました。
Guests also enjoyed original collaboration menus inspired by New Caledonia at THE SUN, the café on the observation deck, available exclusively during the event. Visitors enjoyed the event using their taste buds with sandwiches using whole New Caledonian Pacific blue prawns, a.k.a. “Angel Prawns”, and cocktails designed on the image of the archipelago’s beautiful nature.
【写真】(左上)ニューカレドニア産天使の海老プレート(左下)ニューカレドニア風デザートガレット(右上)ノンアルコールカクテル ニューカレドニア・ビーチ(右下)カクテル ニューカレドニア・モヒート
【Photo】(Top left) “Angel Prawn” plate, using the New Caledonia specialty prawns, (Bottom Left) Dessert plate with a New Caledonia style galette, (Top right) non-alcoholic cocktail named the “New Caledonia Peach”, (Bottom right) cocktail named the “New Caledonia mojito”.
Various media, celebrities, and many visitors shared the event on SNS with more than 250 photos.