1月22日(金)の夕刻、インスタグラムを中心にSNSで活躍するインフルエンサーの皆様をお招きしたNew Year Partyを開催いたしました。オフィスが移転してはじめての試みとなり、限られた時間の中ではありますが、お部屋のディスプレイや、ニュージーランド牧草牛やニューカレドニア特産の「天使の海老」を使ったお料理、ゆったりとした空間でのスキンケアブランドde Mamielのご紹介、そして、プレゼントお楽しみ会などのコンテンツをご用意し、インフルエンサーの皆様同士の交流の場としてもお楽しみいただきました。
Candlewick held a New Year Party on the evening of Friday 22nd January, inviting influencers who are active on SNS, especially on Instagram. It was the first event in our new office after moving, and we wanted to make it extra fun. We set-up unique displays in each room, offering some New Zealand grass-fed beef dishes, New Caledonia’s special “Angel Shrimp”, a testing area to introduce “de Mamiel” cosmetics, as well as competition prizes. Our guests seemed to really enjoy the party and found it a great opportunity to network with other influencers.
The party started with a toast and opening speech by Noriko Silvester, our Managing Director.
The booth showing the Qatar Friendship Fund, which actively supports reconstruction efforts after the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake.
Marine displays of New Caledonia and Malaysia.
The de Mamiel booth. Our guests enjoyed testing the products.
お楽しみプレゼントのブース。ボードには私たちのMindful Daysとして、これまでのイベントの写真を飾っています。
The competition prize booth. We posted various event images we had organized as part of our “Mindful Days”.
このパーティのテーマである“Mindful Days”という言葉には、ふだんの生活に取り入れるもの、ひとつひとつに向き合い、目の前の事柄や今そのときを受け入れることで、日常を少しだけ幸せなものにすること、そしてクライアントの製品を通して、心が豊かになる生活をご提案したい、というわたしたちの思いが込められています。
The theme of this party was “Mindful Days”. We wanted to introduce the idea of looking at items and events in our everyday life, and how by accepting these moments, we can make our life happier. Through the introduction of our clients’ products, we also suggested offered suggestions on how to lead a more enriched life.
The guests enjoyed New Zealand grass-fed beef and New Caledonia’s “Angel Shrimp” dishes.
We invited guests such as stylists, models, beauty influencers and Instagrammers, as well as specific brands’ press – all people who create and embody a wonderful lifestyle. We had a fabulous time, hope they enjoyed it as much as we did. A big thanks to those who participated!
With the fresh viewpoints and ongoing feedback from influencers, we hope to continue to improve and expand our client services.