2010年にイギリス・ロンドンの施術ルームからスタートしたスキンケアブランドde Mamiel(デ・マミエール)。キャンドルウィックでは、ブランディングから店舗販売促進、PR活動に携わり、昨年12月に日本でローンチしました。
UK skincare brand “de Mamiel” was created in 2010 by Annee de Mamiel, an acupuncturist, aromatherapist and healing holistic facialist, who sows the seeds for Botaniques in her treatment room of in London. Candlewick has been supporting de Mamiel with its branding, distribution, PR and finally the brand launch in Japan in December 2014.
Altitude Oil Bottles_resizede Mamiel, Altitude Oil
★Annee head shot white background 001Annee de Mamiel
The de Mamiel Collection is about more than just skincare – it is about our life’s energy. The products have been created using the ancient principles of Chinese medicine, while applying modern scientific research into how ingredients interact with our bodies. Each product contains the purest natural ingredients and is blended using the energetic and skin-nourishing properties of plants.
デ・マミエールのスター商品であるオンフライト用に開発された、アルティテュードオイル(高濃度精油ブレンドオイル)が、春先から日本人の多くが悩まされている花粉による不快な鼻づまりや呼吸のしにくさを解消するとして、新宿伊勢丹4Fのセンターパーク/ ザ・ステージ#4で、3月18日から24日まで実施された、「大人のお花見会~あなたの桜~」花見や春をテーマにした催事にて期間限定で販売させていただきました。
de Mamiel’s signature product, Altitude Oil, is the ultimate multi-tasking travel aide – a powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic oil blend which supports the immune system, and also helps you keep a clear head when you’re always on the go. This product has been featured by one of the most prominent department stores in Japan, Shinjuku Isetan, and was sold for only a limited time at its special exhibition site from March 18th to 24th. The exhibition focuses on various products that help relieve and protect from the effects of hay fever, which is especially problematic for many during the Japanese spring – the popular cherry blossom viewing season, Hanami.
新宿伊勢丹 「大人のお花見会~あなたの桜~」の様子
Exhibition at Shinjuku-Isetan

The PR message was to “enjoy Hanami with fashionable items that also protect you from hay fever”. Candlewick came up with an idea of a de Mamiel and TECMASK collaboration. Candlewick also supported this stylish brand mask with its product and brand development. This message was well received by visitors during the exhibition and added quality value to both brands.
また、銀座三越 5階 G-スペースにて、3月18日~3月31日まで開催された限定ポップアップショップ 『SUPERIOR CLOSET INED international YVON × 大草直子』でも、人気スタイリスト大草直子さんのご愛用品としてアルティテュードオイルを販売しました。
de Mamiel’s Altitude Oil was also sold at a pop-up shop sited in Ginza-Mitsukoshi from March 18th to 31st. This pop-up shop was entitled “SUPERIOR CLOSET INED international YVON × Naoko Okusa”, directed by popular fashion stylist Naoko Okusa, exhibiting a collection of all her favorite products.
銀座三越 『SUPERIOR CLOSET INED international YVON × 大草直子』の様子
The pop-up shop  “SUPERIOR CLOSET INED international YVON × Naoko Okusa” at Ginza-Mitsukoshi

※ de Mamiel 公式サイト:www.demamiel.jp