Gemma, one of our team members here at Candlewick, was lucky enough to attend the Doha Forum in Doha, Qatar, between the 11th and 13th May. This forum is an annual event, and attended by Heads of State, government Minsters and many other high-level delegates from not only all over the Middle East region, but from around the world.
The three days of seminars and discussions saw many different topics discussed – under the over-arching topics of democracy, development and free trade, and more broadly, the critical political, economic, social, financial, strategic and human matters of pressing concern for this region.
ジェマは今回、キャンドルウィックのクライアントであるカタールフレンド基金(QFF)が支援するプロジェクトのキーメンバーである、宮城県女川町長 須田 善明氏、盛岡市立病院 診療部長件神経内科長/いわてエコノミークラス症候群予防支援会事務局長 佐々木 一裕氏、一般社団法人 IMPACT Foundation Japan エグゼクティブ・ディレクター 竹川隆司氏、釜石ヒカリフーズ株式会社 代表取締役社長 佐藤正一氏の4名に同行しました。
Gemma attended with four key members of projects supported by the Qatar Friendship Fund (QFF): Mr. Suda, Mayor of Onagawa city; Dr. Sasaki, Morioka Hospital; Mr. Takekawa, Impact Japan; and Mr. Sato, Director of Hikari Foods, Kamaishi city.
Mr. Takekawa and Mayor Suda took part in a panel discussion on the 12th May, discussing the QFF support of their project, and the impact it is having on their local areas. Mr. Takekawa explained in detail to the audience the objective of QFF, their focus on sustainable projects in the Tohoku area, and their core focus areas: Health, Fisheries, Child Education and Entrepreneurship. He also detailed the aging population in Japan, the population outflow to big cities, and how the Great East Japan Earthquake accelerated this process, meaning fewer younger people in the local areas.
Mayor Suda looked specifically at the MASKAR project – a multi-function fish processing plant in Onagawa town. After the tsunami devastated much of the fishing industry in the area, QFF supported the MASKAR project to act as a central fishing facility within the town. The facility provides storage, refrigeration and processing functions for local businesses, and 10 companies and business now surround this state-of-the-art facility. Local catches of saury fish are finally returning to the levels they were before the disaster struck, and the Mayor is excited about the future regeneration and benefits of MASKAR on the local economy, and community.
Doha is experiencing huge changes in is landscape and development work is evident throughout the city. The team visited the area, saw the famous city scape, the Islamic Art museum, visited the souks, and even had the chance to hold this beautiful falcon!
Thanks to those of you who visited our QFF booth at the forum! We hope the attendees of the 15th Doha Forum were able to learn a little more about the Qatar Friendship Fund, their support of the Tohoku area, and of course more about Japan.