A company is a legal entity, with its own character and its own responsibilities, and after 18 years, I have never felt this to be truer. Compared to when the company was just a wobbly toddler, the present company has been through a lot of trials and tribulations, and I feel that now it is more alert, its bones are thicker and its muscles are stronger. This has only been possible thanks to the support of the people who have supported us and our staff.
Like a teenager recently graduated from high school, we have been able to support ourselves somewhat, but then COVID-19 came without warning. I feel that I have come to a pivotal time of life, when we must push ourselves, learn a lot and develop ourselves.
“A communication design company that enriches life on earth.”
This planet still holds a lot of undiscovered value.
We search for it, enhance it, and transmit it to those who need it.
We believe that this what it means to be Candlewick.
We will continue to work as a team and strive to contribute to a better society, however small our contribution may be.
Noriko Silvester,
Founder, CEO