パリを皮切りに2012年から、ロンドン、上海、ドバイ、ベルリン、ニューヨーク、トロント、モスクワと世界各国を巡回してきたフレンチ・ランジェリー展(Lingerie Francaise)が、2014年夏、東京に上陸し、9日間限定で2014年7月20日から28日まで原宿に位置するバツ・アート・ギャラリーにて開催されました。初日の20日は、一般公開に先駆け、日本でフレンチ・ランジェリーを扱う日本の代理店の皆様によるテープカットで華やかに幕を開けました。会場には10の展示ブースの他、フレンチ・シックなワードローブをイメージしたフォトコーナーが完成!沢山の方にブースの前で写真を撮っていただきました。
Originating in Paris in 2012, the Lingerie Francaise Exhibition has travelled around the world from London to Shanghai, Dubai, Berlin, New York and Moscow. In July 2014 the exhibition finally reached Japan and was held over nine days in the BA-TSU Gallery in Harajuku, Tokyo.
A ribbon cutting ceremony was held on July 20 to open the exhibition prior to public viewing. Many involved in supplying French lingerie in Japan attended. The exhibition featured 10 display cases from 100-year old corsets to the latest spring / summer collections. In addition to the historical pieces, a chic and stylish French wardrobe took pride of place at the entrance and provided the perfect spot for people to take photos and selfies.
Ms. Catherine Ormen, representative of Simone Perele, along with Japanese sales agents.
An official press reception was held on July 22 and attended by more than 100 media and invited guests. Eriko Nakamura, a freelance journalist living in Paris and former broadcaster with Fuji Television, was the evening’s emcee and moderated a talk with exhibition curator Ms. Catherine Ormen. They discussed the joys of bringing the beauty of French lingerie into people’s lives. The magical and enchanting evening was awash with French music, cocktails and canapés.
Left: Ms. Eriko Nakamura, Right: Ms. Catherine Ormen
Ms. Kyoko Kubo, Japanese model
Ms. Mizuka Ueno, Japanese ballerina
Sweets reflecting the image of French lingerie
Members of the Lingerie Francaise Association from France