On Wednesday we celebrated the start of the New Zealand avocado season with a Launch Event, held at the New Zealand embassy. As well as a presentation by NZAGA CEO Jen Scoular on New Zealand avocados and the many PR activities that will take place in Japan this season, a lively talk show between model and beauty journalist SAKURA, and nutritionist Erica Angyal, proved insightful and gave those attending even more information about the nutritional benefits and unique points of NZ avocados.
After the presentation and talk show, guests enjoyed both savoury and sweet dishes – all of course with New Zealand avocados as their key ingredient!
今シーズン行われる活動のひとつにDEAN & DELUCAとのコラボがあります。シーズン中、DEAN & DELUCA六本木店で開催される『グリーンマーケット』に参加し、ニュージーランド産アボカドを使ったD&D デリセレクションをお試し頂ける機会を設けます。もちろん、ご自宅用のアボカドを購入していただく事もできます。
NZAGA will be taking part in the monthly Dean & Deluca Roppongi store’s ‘Green Market’, where customers will have the chance to try delicious D&D deli selections using NZ avocados, as well as buy avocados to take home.
You may also see our Smoothie Wagon around the city over the next few weeks – if you see it at a food event or supermarket near you, be sure to sample one of the delicious and healthy smoothies.
ニュージーランド産アボカドの旬は1月末まで続きます。旬のうちに、ぜひお召し上がりくださいね! Facebookもよろしくお願いします!
The NZ avocado season last until the end of January, so be sure to enjoy them here in Japan while you can! You won’t be disappointed! Follow us on Facebook: ニュージーランド産アボカド