キャンドルウィックが長年PRをお手伝いしている、100%牧草を食べて育つヘルシーな赤身牛肉、ニュージーランド牧草牛。先日9月19日(金)に一般消費者50組100名様をご招待し、銀座の人気レストラン アイコニック(ICONIC)にてトークショー&ディナーを開催しました。
昨年8月にもママやプレママを対象とした同規模のイベントを行いましたが、今回は “ニュージーランド牧草牛で美しい肉体をつくる!” をテーマに、健康的な体づくり、食事法に興味がある30代~50代男女のお客様がお越しくださりました。
Candlewick has been working with New Zealand grass-fed beef for nearly 5 years. On Friday September 19, a talk show and dinner for 100 consumers was held at ICONIC, a popular restaurant in Ginza.
Candlewick organized a similar sized event for moms and moms-to-be in August a year earlier. This time around Candlewick invited men and women ages in their 30’s – 50’s, who were interested in creating and maintaining a healthy body and diet.
イベントではまず、ビーフ アンド ラム ニュージーランド日本代表のジョン・ハンドルビーさんより、ニュージーランドの恵まれた大自然、畜産大国としての取り組みなどをお話ししました。 そして、司会の山田玲奈さんからは、穀物飼育と牧草飼育の違い、広大な牧草地を歩き回り健康的に育つ牧草牛の生活の様子、高い安全性、そして、牧草牛の最大の特徴でもある豊富な栄養価について、スライドと共に分かりやすく紹介させて頂きました。
Mr. John Hundleby, representative of Beef + Lamb New Zealand in Japan talked about the nature New Zealand has been blessed with, as well as the country’s farming initiatives. This was followed by emcee Ms. Reina Yamada’s engaging presentation on the most important characteristics and benefits of grass-fed beef. She highlighted the differences between raising grain-fed and grass-fed stock, the life of grass-fed cows surrounded by vast grass fields, growing healthy livestock, as well as the high safety standards set and met.
ビーフ アンド ラム ニュージーランド日本代表のジョン・ハンドルビーさん
Beef + Lamb New Zealand, Japan Representative, Mr. John Hundleby
Candlewick was excited to welcome two very special guests who both currently attract high media interest. The first was anti-aging specialist Mr. August Hergesheimer, who holds a Ph.D. in nutritional science. He is renowned for his enviable youth and good looks, belying his 52 years of age. The second guest was EXILE’s physical trainer, Mr. Teruyuki Yoshida, highly regarded among professional athletes and models. During the conversations, both guests spoke about the effect of protein in one’s diet and performing exercises and training that are effective in reversing the signs of aging.
From left: Mr. Teruyuki Yoshida, physical trainer; Mr. August Hergesheimer, anti-aging specialist; Ms. Reina Yamada, emcee
Buffet style dinner consisting of 21 dishes, from starters to dessert, six of which had New Zealand beef as the main ingredient.
Some guests commented, “It was an opportunity to review my eating habits; I thought all beef was pretty much the same, but my view of beef produced abroad has now changed; I never knew the differences between grain-fed and grass-fed beef; I’d like to understand more about the safety of New Zealand grass-fed beef and its nutritional benefits and make them a part of my meals.”
The event was highly successful and the audience gained a deeper understanding of the benefits and allures of New Zealand grass-fed beef.
左から、吉田輝幸さん、ジョン ハンドルビーさん、山田玲奈さん、オーガスト・ハーゲスハイマーさん
From left: Mr. Teruyuki Yoshida, Mr. John Hundleby, Ms. Reina Yamada, and Mr. August Hergesheimer
ニュージーランド牧草牛 公式フェイスブック
New Zealand grass-fed beef’s official Facebook page reached “10,000 Likes” in September!
For more information about grass-fed beef, visit www.facebook.com/newzealandbeef