マーケティング・コミュニケーション業界のビジネスフォーラム「AdverTimes DAYS(アドタイ・デイズ)」が4月12日(火)・13日(水)の2日間にわたり都内で開催され、“「広報の仕掛け人たち」に聞くPRの仕事のこれから“というテーマのパネルディスカッションに、キャンドルウィックが講演者として参加しました。
“AdverTimes DAYS”, a marketing communications business forum, was held in Tokyo on April 12th and 13th and Candlewick participated as a speaker for the panel discussion “The Masterminds of PR talk about the futures of PR business”.
The discussion was moderated by Mr. Tadashi Inokuchi from Dentsu Public Relations with three PR professionals featured in the book “Masterminds of PR [Koho no Shikakenin tachi] – How PR Professionals took action”, Mr. Kazuaki Yokota from Inoue Public Relations; Mr. Hiroshi Sato from Spice Communications; and Ms. Mine Nakao from Candlewick. The three panelists introduced the inside stories of the projects each agency has worked on, as well as their views on the future of the PR industry. It was interesting that they all valued “creativity” in their work to meet the client’s demands for the utmost satisfaction, and also to think beyond the box of the traditional scope of PR activities.
The venue was jam-packed, with some attendees even standing to listen to the highly meaningful discussion. If the discussion piques your interest, please take a look at the book “Masterminds of PR [Koho no Shikakenin tachi]”, released in March. Though it hasn’t been long since its release, it has now become Sendenkaigi’s best-selling book for this year.