Candlewick is supporting K9 Natural with PR consulting, and from Thursday 3/31 to Sunday 4/3 they participated at the Interpets exhibition at Tokyo Big Sight.
Mr. and Mrs. Collins, K9 Natural Japan Co., Ltd.
Interpets is one of the largest pet EXPOs in Japan. This year, the event was even more lively, with more exhibitors and a venue twice the size. The three days of the EXPO that were open to public coincided with the best cherry blossom viewing season, and many visitors came to the EXPO to enjoy a spring day out with their animal companions.
2014年全国犬猫飼育実態調査(一般社団法人 ペットフード協会調べ)によると、犬が1034万6000頭で猫が995万9000頭、飼われているそうです。この数字は、15歳未満の子どもの数より多く、いまの日本では子どものいる家庭よりも、ペットを飼育する家庭のほうが多いのです!!
According to the National Pet Owner Survey 2014 (by the Japan Pet Food Association, Inc.), 10,346,000 dogs and 9,959,000 cats live with families as pets in Japan. This number is larger than the number of children under 15. Surprisingly, there are more households in Japan that raise pets than children!
Such social change has brought a huge tide of products and services developed to enable families to spend as much time as possible together with their beloved pets. Furthermore, pet owners are concerned about the health of their pets as much as their human family members, and many owners pay careful consideration to their pet’s daily food in order to be healthy.
そんなワンちゃん・ネコちゃんにとって、本当に良いものを与えたいと思う飼い主さんたちに、広く支持されているブランドが「K9ナチュラル」です。“Naturally Better Nutrition ~ニュージーランドの自然のままの栄養を”をブランドスローガンに、BSEや口蹄疫が全く発生していないニュージーランドの厳しい基準をクリアした、人間食用の羊、牛、鹿の肉類、平飼いの鶏の肉類を90%以上(猫用は99%)使用し、犬や猫のアレルギー源となる穀類・イモ類・豆類は一切使っていない、グルテンフリーが大きな特長です。原材料への厳しい基準にあわせ、その製造方法にもこだわっており、45度以下の非加熱フリーズドライで、水分のみを取り除くので、大切な素材の栄養素、酵素、風味はそのままなのです。
K9 Natural is a pet food brand that many concerned canine and feline pet owners widely endorse. Under its motto “Naturally Better Nutrition”, the pet food uses 90% or more (for cat food, 99% or more) free-range lamb, beef, deer, and chicken that has cleared the strict rules of New Zealand (where there is no BSE or foot-and-mouth disease cases), and is the same grade as the meat eaten by humans. The food is also gluten-free, using no grains, potatoes, or beans that might cause allergies for the cats and dogs that eat them. With its strict rules for ingredient control, the company also uses a unique production method: the food is freeze dried at temperatures below 45 degrees Celsius. This way, the food is not heated and only the moisture is taken away, leaving the important nutrients, enzymes, and taste untouched.
Samples of all K9 Natural products were available at the Interpets booth, and many pet owners were surprised to see their dogs and kitties happily and eagerly munching on the sample food on the spot.
Candlewick will continue to support K9 Natural and introduce its wonderful products that bring the natural power of New Zealand to our pet friends, both via Facebook and through exposure in other media.
★K9Natural Official Website
★K9Natural Facebook