スタイリッシュなデザインと高い機能性で知られるノルウェーのベビー用品ブランド、Stokke(ストッケ)が、日本初のショールームの初めてのお披露目を兼ねて、親子ともに快適な使い心地のベビーキャリア 「ストッケ マイキャリア」 のメディア向け最新モデル発表会を開催しました。キャンドルウィックは、その企画・運営を行いました。
Stokke, the stylish Norwegian children’s brand known for its nifty design and high functionality, held a media event at its first showroom in Japan, to showcase the latest model of “Stokke® MyCarrierTM”, the 3-in-1 ergonomic baby carrier that does not compromise on comfort for either the baby and the parent. Candlewick was responsible for planning and carrying out this event.
ストッケは、「Growing together.TM 共に育む」をコアコンセプトに掲げて、「子どもの目線を第一に考えた製品づくり」をしているブランドです。今回新しくなったマイキャリアも、もちろん、子どもとともに成長し、子どもの目線を第一に考えた製品。加えて、ストッケ マイキャリアがユニークなのは、子どもの成長にあわせて常に理想の姿勢で抱えることができるだけでなく、大人の体にもぴったりフィットするよう、考え抜かれた設計になっていることです。
Stokke “designs products that are in the best interest of the child”, under its core concept “Growing together.TM” MyCarrierTM is also designed along this concept. The product is designed to keep the child as comfortable as possible, and to encourage healthy child development. MyCarrierTM is also unique in its prudent design. It not only allows children to be carried in optimal seating positions according to their development, but also supports the parent in keeping a comfortable position.
“人間工学に基づいて開発されている“ とうたう製品は多くありますが、ストッケのマイキャリアは、究極まで人間工学を追求し、大人用のパーツと、子どもを支えるパーツを分けた唯一のモデルです。今回のリニューアルで、使っている素材がよりソフトになり、フィット感がさらにアップしました。
Among the many products that claim they are “ergonomically designed”, MyCarrierTM has gone down the ultimate path and reached a whole new level of baby carriers. This is the only product that has separate parts for the adult and the child. This revised model uses organic cotton textiles, making it softer and fit when attached.
We could go on forever, but words are never stronger than the real experience. We invited media representatives attending the event to try on MyCarrierTM, and see how easy it is to carry children in front or back positions. They tried on the carrier and were overwhelmed by how comfortably they could walk while carrying a child!
If you have been through the baby-carrying phase, you will agree that it is a task that weighs heavily on your back and hips, even if you use a carrier. MyCarrierTM is meticulously designed to make the burden as light as possible. Media representatives who tried out the carrier with a 1-year-old sized baby doll commented that MyCarrierTM is completely different and much more comfortable than other products.
As a guest, we invited Katsuaki Taira, MD, PhD., Chief and Deputy Head of Orthopedics, at Saitama Children’s Medical Center, who is a professional of children’s good posture, and also a father of four(!) children. Dr. Taira explained the ideal way to carry babies and toddlers.
特に赤ちゃんが小さいうちは 「足を開いた状態で抱っこしてあげる」 ことが、股関節の健康な発達のためにとても大切だとご存知でしたか?(そうなんです。ちなみにマイキャリアでは、もちろん、この理想的な抱っこができます。)
It is very important that the baby’s “thighs are wide open when carried” especially while the baby is very young. This supports the healthy development of the hip joint (and of course, you can keep your baby in this optimal position with MyCarrierTM). The clothes babies wear, and how you treat babies while they are sleeping, are also important for healthy development.
マイキャリア以外にも、さまざまなアイコニックな製品で知られるストッケ。この発表会では、これらのストッケ製品の美しさ、機能性を体感していただくのも目的の一つ。そこで、今回は、メディアの方々に、ストッケのシグネチャーチェアとも言えるTripp Trapp(R) (トリップ トラップ)にお座りいただきました。このTripp Trapp(R) 、小さいお子さんはもちろん、大人の方も座れます。まさに、「Growing together.TM 共に育む」を体現したストッケ製品の一つです。
In addition to MyCarrierTM, Stokke is famous for many iconic products. This press gathering was also planned to promote such symbolic products, and understand the beauty and functionality of them first hand. We lined up Tripp Trapp(R), Stokke’s signature chair, for the media representatives to use during the event. Tripp Trapp(R) can be used by adults as well as children, and is a product that truly embodies the core concept of Stokke, “Growing together.TM”
Candlewick, with its many mothers who are also great communication specialists, was a perfect match with Stokke for planning this event, as we were able to add the perspective of those who have been through child-rearing. Candlewick will continue its voyage in the industry, with plans for PR and promotion spiced up with our individual touch by our one-and-only staff members.
★ストッケ マイキャリア / Stokke MyCarrierTM