As we kick-off the new year, we wanted to share a look back at some of our highlights from 2017. We look forward to continuing to produce exciting events, and creative PR strategies, for our wide roster of global clients. Cheers to a wonderful 2018!
- Introducing the Magic of the KitchenAid Mixer to Japanese Media
On September 20, we organized an intimate media workshop event to celebrate the launch of the new Artisan Mini Stand Mixer by KitchenAid. Now 20% smaller, it is perfectly suited for Japanese kitchens! Following a demonstration by Food Creator, Macaron Yuka, guests were invited to test the product for themselves, using several fun attachments. They created macaroni using the pasta press, cut colorful vegetables into fun shapes using the spiralizer, and were able to quickly whip up merengue using the mixer!
9月20日(水)にキッチンエイド社のArtisan Mini スタンドミキサーの新発売を記念して、メディア体験会を開催しました。フードクリエイターのマカロン由香さんによるデモンストレーションに続いてはTouch & Try ! パスタマシーンでマカロニを作ったり、スパイライザーで野菜をくるくるカットしたり、もちろんミキサーの本領であるメレンゲ作りも、盛り上がりました!20%小さくなったArtisan Miniは日本のキッチンにピッタリ!
★KitchenAid Website
- Fusing Tradition and Innovation to Showcase Yves Thuriès Chocolates
On October 3rd, we conducted a press conference introducing the Yves Thuriès 2018 Valentine Collection, with talkshow guests, Chocolate Coordinator and Journalist, Ms. Ayumi Ichikawa, and Director in Japan of Atout France, Mr. Frédéric Mazenq. To promote the brand’s focus on both authentic traditional French chocolates and the development of new flavors and recipes, the event was held at the Kanze Noh Theater, located in the newly opened Ginza6, around the theme of “Tradition and Innovation”. Following the talkshow, media enjoyed a tasting of 15 varieties of chocolates, next to an Ikebana and chocolate display.
★Yves Thuries Landing Page
- Celebrating Nominations in Two Categories at the 10th Annual British Business Awards
Candlewick’s Founder and CEO, Noriko Silvester was nominated for Entrepreneur of the Year at the 10th Annual British Business Awards hosted by the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan (BCCJ). The evening offered a great opportunity to celebrate UK-Japan relations, while enjoying a 5-course British meal. We were also honoured to be nominated in the category of Innovation for our work as Primo Toys Japan.
私たちの代表であり、設立者であるシルベスタが在日英国商業会議所が主催する今回10周年を迎えたブリティッシュビジネスアワードのアントレプレナーオブザイヤーにノミネートされました。また、弊社が正規代理店を務めるPrimo Toys Japanの功績が認められ、イノベーション部門にてもノミネートされました!
★BCCJ Webpage
- Introducing the new Global Experience Monaco Award
In our role as the Monaco Government Tourism and Convention Bureau of Japan, we were delighted to sponsor the 2017 EY Entrepreneur of the Year Japan Award Ceremony on November 28th. Our Managing Director Noriko Silvester had the honor of introducing the new Global Experience Monaco Award, which will allow one finalist to attend the Global EOY Ceremony, which takes place every June in Monaco, as a supporter of the Japan Representative and as a networking and growth experience towards global success. The winner in 2017 of the Global Experience Monaco Award was Mr. Takayoshi Honda, President and Representative Director of Honda Plus Co., Ltd.
モナコ政府観光会議局は、11月28日(火)にEY Japanが開催した起業家表彰制度「EY アントレプレナー・オブ・ザ・イヤー 2017 ジャパン」アワード・セレモニーに協賛し、「グローバル・エクスペリエンス・モナコ賞」を創設、1名の方に授与しました。グローバル・エクスペリエンス・モナコ賞とは、部門大賞受賞者3名の中から、惜しくも日本代表には至らなかったものの、今後グローバルでの活躍を期待される起業家1名を、2018年6月にモナコで行われる世界大会「EY ワールド・アントレプレナー・オブ・ザ・イヤー」へご招待し、世界の起業家との交流の機会を提供しながら、ご自身の起業活動を支援していくものです。栄えある第1回目受賞者は、本多プラス株式会社代表取締役社長 本多孝充氏が選ばれました。
★Visit Monaco Webpage
- Organizing a MEGA FAM trip to Guam for the 50th Anniversary of Japan-Guam Relations
In celebration of the 50th year anniversary of Japan-Guam relations, we conducted the largest visit to Guam to-date for media and influencers to promote tourism with a “Guam Mega FAM tour” from Thursday, November 30th to Sunday, December 3rd.
Approximately 400 media and tourist industry people attended the tour, departing from 6 cities with service to Guam (Sapporo, Sendai, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka). The group experienced the beautiful nature, delicious cuisine, and fun activities available in Guam. We were able to showcase this summer paradise, only three and a half hours from Japan, that blends the unique culture of Chamorro and America, and increase the awareness of Guam as a travel destination.
グアム 公式インスタグアマーに認定されたAKB48グループの皆さん
★InstaGuam Campaign Page
- Launching a New Project to Enhance Early Childhood Education
Candlewick launched the “Early Education for Tomorrow” project in collaboration with NPO Canvas, with the purpose of furthering research and understanding around children’s ideal learning. On November 7, we held a symposium for elementary school teachers and parents entitled “First Steps in Programming Education.” As the Official Japan Distributor of Primo Toys, Candlewick invited representative Filippo Yacob, Co-Creator of programming toy Cubetto, for a keynote lecture. The following panel discussion focused on the possibility of spreading programming education and the necessary tools for future generations to survive and thrive. Learn more here.
★Early Education For Tomorrow (E4T) project website