Candlewick will start importing and selling organic skincare <Henua> from August 2022.

Candlewick has focused on ‘communication design’ that resonates with target customers by promoting high quality products from around the world, and localising messaging and communication to match the insights of the Japanese market.

Candlewick has introduced many sustainable products and brands to the Japanese market, and has now leveraged this knowledge to introduce HENUA, an organic skincare series packed with forest blessings. Born in Finland, HENUA comes from a country that has ranked number one in the World Happiness Index* for five years in a row. Under the concept of a “PR trading company,” we will be in charge of everything from importing to sales and PR communications. As a new business following the success of de Mamiel, we will convey HENUA’s brand purpose as well as the products to B2C, and develop it mainly through online business.
* United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)