The year is coming to an end and what a busy time of year it has been! I hope everyone is doing well and is in good health.
In mid-November, Candlewick held a tasting event for MOW by Morinaga Milk at its office in Omotesando.
MOW Milk Vanilla
今回の試食会には、アイスクリームや食関連で活躍されているブロガーやジャーナリストの皆さまにご参加いただきました。 MOWの原料・製造へのこだわりや環境問題への取り組みについてご説明した後、MOWの定番商品『MOWミルクバニラ』をはじめ、11月より期間限定で発売されている新商品『MOWダージリンティー』、さらには、MOWを使ってご自宅で簡単に作れるアイススイーツなど、様々なかたちでMOWをお召し上がりいただきました。
MOW is an ice cream containing carefully selected ingredients and its rich milk flavor accounts for its deliciously smooth taste. Even better, no emulsifiers or stabilizers are used!
Bloggers and journalists active in the ice cream and food industry joined the tasting event. After explaining about MOW’s ingredients, the careful production process and activities relating to environmental issues, everyone sampled MOW Milk Vanilla and a limited seasonal new item for November MOW Darjeeling Tea, along with ice cream sweets that can be easily made at home.
One of the guests was an ice cream super fan who tastes 30 to 50 kinds of ice cream a month and a journalist who samples more than 100 kinds of sweets every month! The new Darjeeling Tea flavor proved popular with everyone who commented on its mouth-watering smell. The product is made using carefully selected tealeaves. Please try it if you have the chance, as it’s limited to this season!
MOW Darjeeling Tea
MOW(モウ)は、森永乳業が原料と製法にとことんこだわり、1つ1つ丁寧に作りあげたアイスクリームです。 たくさんのカップアイスが並ぶスーパーやコンビニでMOWを選んでいただけるよう、今後も工夫を凝らしたPR活動を展開してまいります。
Candlewick is working with Morinaga Milk to develop unique PR activities that will encourage consumers to choose MOW ahead of other brands available at supermarkets and convenience stores.
To read stories by those who attended the event click on the links below (Japanese only)
●コンビニアイスマニア by アイスマン福留
●甘党男子 by ひっきー
●アイスクリームファン by masa
●コックしろのおうちで簡単ビストロレシピ by コックしろ
●MIO たのしー!おいしー!ヘルシー!by MIO
●さわあこのラジオ日記 by あこ
●izumanix by izumin
●Atelier Mughetto by ミュゲット