10月2日(水)にスウェーデンの若手企業家が生み出した最新イノベーションを紹介するエキジビション『イノベーティブ・スウェーデン -明日の世界のためのイノベーション 20アイテム-』のプレス向け内覧会が日本科学未来館で開催されました。 キャンドルウィックでは、取材誘致、個別インタビューの設定、プレス内覧会の実施運営をお手伝いし、当日はテレビ、オンラインニュース、新聞、業界雑誌など さまざまなメディアの方々に取材をしていただきました。
On Wednesday October 2, a private viewing of the latest innovations featuring young Swedish entrepreneurs was held for journalists as part of an exhibition, Innovative Sweden – 20 items for the world of tomorrow at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. Candlewick arranged interviews and a private viewing for select media including TV, online sites, newspapers and industry publications.

Entrepreneurs who joined the exhibition from 14 innovative companies
The exhibition was divided into four areas and featured 20 items – Information Correspondence Technology (ICT), Clean Technology, Life Science and Gaming. Each area included a presentation by entrepreneurs who visited Japan. Journalists listened carefully to all of the innovative ideas, each with their own remarkable and unique viewpoints.
Research conducted prior to the event clearly indicated that the media’s interest would be focused on items that were inventive, had a strong impact on Japan’s manufacturing industry and carried the distinctive Swedish traits of pursuing both quality and comfort. For this reason, Candlewick focused on introducing innovative technology that could be experienced at the venue on the day. This included eye tracking technology that enables you to control a computer, type or communicate with it by simply looking at the screen, a SEM glove (soft extra muscle glove) that strengthens one’s grip by adding artificial power to a nerve in the wrist; a sunlight safe water system that transforms polluted water to drinking water using energy from the sun.

A TV announcer shows their surprise when trying on the SEM glove

Innovative items are introduced to guests who express their excitement
Interviews were secured with online news programs, major TV stations and national dailies. In addition, the exhibition produced specials such as; Basis of Swedish economy is created by the progress of women in society, 2013 Nobel Prize Winner and Innovative Sweden.