2014年の年明けとともに、いよいよ「マレーシア観光年」がスタートしました。本年度、マレーシア政府は2,800万人の観光客および7,600億リンギット(約2兆2,800億円)の歳入獲得を目標に掲げ、年間を通じて200を超えるイベントや祭典を開催し観光誘致に取り組みます。去る1月4日には、観光年のスタートを記念し、首都クアラルンプールにておよそ5万人の観衆が集まり盛大な記念式典が開催されました。観光年のキャンペーンテーマは、“One Malaysia Truly Asia” (マレーシアで本物のアジアを体験しよう)。キャンドルウィックは今年1月から2年間に渡り、日本におけるマレーシア政府観光局のPR業務を担当することになりました。
This year is the start of the latest Visit Malaysia! Campaign to lure tourists and investment to the country.
More than 200 events and festivals will be held this year to attract visitors. On January 4, Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, held a prosperity ceremony that drew close to 50,000 people. This year’s campaign title is Malaysia, Truly Asia and Candlewick is honored to be working with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board in support of its PR activities in Japan.
1月15日(水)、報道関係者と観光業界関係者およそ150名を招待し ザ・ペニンシュラ東京(千代田区有楽町)で新年会を開催しました。 キャンドルウィックは、メディアの招待やイベント企画・運営ディレクション全般を担当させて頂きました。
On January 15, a New Year party was held and approximately 150 representatives from the media and the tourism industry were invited to The Peninsula Tokyo Hotel to join in the celebrations. Candlewick oversaw the invitations, overall planning and execution of the event.
マレーシア新春懇親会 ザ・ペニンシュラ東京内会場の様子
Malaysian New Year social gathering at The Peninsula Tokyo Hotel
The event opened with a welcome speech given by the Ambassador of Malaysia to Japan. The Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment of Sabah (located in East Malaysia) flew in to join the celebrations and talked passionately about the attractions and allures of Malaysia.
(右)ダト・スリ・パンリマ・マシディ・マンジュン サバ州観光文化環境大臣
(Left) H.E. Dato’ SHAHARUDDIN bin Md Som, Ambassador of Malaysia to Japan
(Right) Y.B. Datuk Seri Panglima Masidi Manjun, the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment of Sabah
Following a brief presentation, the hotel’s executive chefs prepared a buffet style dinner including numerous Malaysian dishes. Malaysian cuisine consists of Malay, Chinese, Indian food and “Nyonya” a fusion of Malay and Chinese food and its’ unique flavors are enjoyed by many people around the world.
(左)ナシアヤム (右)ラクサレマック&ロティチャナイ
(Left) Nasi ayam (Right) Laksa lemak & Roti canai
(左)チキンサティー&ビーフカレーパフ (右)鱸のスチームとサバスタイルの野菜
(Left) Chicken satay & Beef curry puff (Right) Japanese sea bass steam and Sabah-style vegetables
(左)ニョニャ風 炒飯 (右)バナナとサゴ入りココナッツミルク
(Left) Nyonya style fried rice (Right) Coconut milk with Banana and Sago
Visit Malaysia’s mascot is a proboscis monkey, it’s called “Ten-chan” as his nickname in Japan – an endangered animal that only inhabits the island of Borneo. Together they will liven up promoting Malaysia!
Visit Malaysia!’s mascot Ten-chan
A lottery was held during the evening and one lucky guest won first prize – a return trip to Malaysia.
Mr. Azlan, Director of Tourism Malaysia Tokyo, gave a closing speech and introduced Candlewick as the official PR agency for the Malaysian Tourism Bureau in Japan.
(左)マレーシア政府観光局 ノール・アズラン・アブ・バカール日本局長
(右)キャンドルウィック代表取締役 シルベスタ典子
(Left) Mr. Noor Azlan Abu Bakar, Director, Tourism Malaysia Tokyo
(Right) Noriko Silvester, Director, Candlewick
Malaysia is full of wonders and wonderful characteristics, such as its beautiful nature and diverse culture. This exceptional multiracial nation is bright and cheerful and one with a heart of omotenashi. Candlewick will do its best to show everyone those characteristics through various PR activities. Don’t miss out on upcoming programs.
● マレーシア政府観光局公式サイト(日本語)
Tourism Malaysia official website (Japanese)
● マレーシア政府観光局公式Facebook
Tourism Malaysia official Facebook page
● 2014年マレーシア・トゥルーリ―・アジア・プロモーションビデオ
2014 Malaysia Truly Asia promotion video
● 2014年マレーシア観光年公式テーマソング
2014 Tourism Malaysia official theme song