7月21日(金)、在日英国商業会議所(BCCJ)主催によるボリス・ジョンソン英外務大臣の訪日を歓迎したインタビューセッションがシャングリ・ラ ホテル東京にて開催されました。イベントにはBCCJメンバーならびに招待客合わせて140名以上が参加し、EU離脱後の英国の展望や日英関係、また2020年の東京オリンピック・パラリンピックなどに関するジョンソン氏のお話に耳を傾けました。
On Friday, July 21, the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan (BCCJ) welcomed UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to the ballroom of the Shangri-la Tokyo for an interview on topics ranging from expectations for a post-Brexit UK, ongoing Japan–UK relations, and the potential of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
BCCJの運営委員である弊社代表のシルベスタ 典子も招待され、スタッフと共に出席しました。インタビューの前にジョンソン氏と握手をさせて頂きました。(下写真左)
Candlewick’s Managing Director, Noriko Silvester, a member of the BCCJ Executive Committee, was pleased to attend the event, along with several staff members, and honored to have the opportunity to shake hands with the Foreign Secretary prior to the interview.
Johnson thanked BCCJ members and guests, over 140 of whom were in attendance, for all they do to promote “the fantastically special political, commercial and economic relationship with Japan.” He added that the UK had seen 2,200 individual investments in the past year, the highest number to date.
On Brexit, Johnson encouraged the audience to focus on the positives and move away from the negative press and doomsday attitude, adding “We need to show [Brexit is] not about turning away from the world. It’s about being more open, more engaged in the world than ever before.” He added, “Japan has showed how an island country can become truly global in its commercial ambitions with incredible success, and we need to work with Japan to do just the same.”
Candlewick was eager to hear from the Foreign Secretary as part of our continued effort to expand our expertise on foreign trade, relations, and the ongoing complexities of the market. We look forward to transforming this knowledge into additional support for our global roster of clients.
★About BCCJ https://www.bccjapan.com/
★Interview Summary https://www.bccjapan.com/news/2017/07/boris-johnson-bccj/
Photos courtesy of Life14.