On September 29th, 65 women ran through the main street of Omotesando fashion district, wearing UNTITLED’s suits that are treated with Polygiene’s odor-free technology, a Swedish brand Candlewick promotes with PR. The event was planned and held by one of Polygiene’s partners, female fashion brand UNTITLED of World Group, to celebrate their new “Feels Performance Suit”. Candlewick assisted and supported this event by inviting media and influencers to this suits-wearing experience to appeal Polygiene’s effectiveness and functionality. The event was implemented to support and encourage working women under the concept of “More comfortableness, more pleasantness, more quality” by offering them a comfortable suit for their work life: the “Feels Performance Suit”. It features Polygiene’s anti-odor Stay Fresh technology and stretchy washable materials that allows the wearer to swing 360 degrees.
Refreshed from the morning run, the event ended with an after-party at a community café Commune 2nd. We interviewed 6 of the attendees who jogged through Omotesando in their Feels performance suits. One said, “I have always been aware of body odor when I sweat, so this functionality is very useful” and another commented “the suit was so comfortable it didn’t feel like a suit. The material is stretchy and doesn’t get sticky from sweat”. We received great feedback about Feels Performance Suits’ high functionality including Polgyiene qualities.
While Polygiene’s “anti-odor and stay fresh” qualities are an essential function users would find necessary in their daily life, appealing its message in ladies’ fashion brands can be difficult, considering the impression female consumers may receive when being promoted products that suppress odor. The Omotesando Suits Run event, however, was a great success for the PR of Polygiene-treated Feels Performance suits, as we were able to expand its qualities to the targeted influencers and have them try the suits on spot during the event. Candlewick will continue to appeal and promote the qualities of Polygiene effects through various activities in the future.