先月末、Aqua sports & spaの6月1日のオープンに先駆けて、メディアの方へのプレスプレビューを行いました。
A press preview of Aqua sports & spa was held in late May, just before its official opening on June 1.
Hydrate your lifeをコンセプトにした二子玉川にオープンしたAqua sports & spaは、ライフスタイルを高める全く新しいメンバーシップクラブです。
Various media gathered to see the facilities and services of Aqua sports & spa, which is a whole new kind of a membership club that helps improve your lifestyle. The club opened in Futako-Tamagawa, under the concept “Hydrate your life”.
地上5階地下1階建て約6700平米のクラブは、二子玉川の富士山を眺める多摩川沿いの丘に立地。50mプール、ジム、天然温泉、スパ、ラウンジ、カフェ(AQUA CAFE)を完備。クラブ内にはレセプションがなく、駐車場からすべての施設をシームレスで使用でき、メンバーは自宅の延長として、日常的にクラブのある生活を取り入れることができます。
The club is situated along the Tamagawa river with a view of Mt. Fuji in the fashionable city of Futako-Tamagawa. With five floors above ground and one floor under ground, the club has approximately 6,700 square meters (or almost 1.66 acres) of floor space in total. Club members can spend their time at a 50m swimming pool, a gym, a natural hot spring bath, a spa, a lounge, or a cafe (AQUA CAFE). There is no reception desk, and guests can seamlessly access all facilities directly from the parking lot, as if the club was a part of their home. This way, Aqua sports & spa can easily become part of your daily life.
当日は、水戸徳川の別邸跡地に建ち、心から寛げるもうひとつの邸宅として細部までこだわった当施設をクラブ代表の除野健男様よりメディアの方にご紹介しました。温泉では、実際に浴槽に手を入れていただき、クラブの敷地内で新たに掘削に成功した温泉の泉質をお試しいただきました。また、カフェでは素材にこだわった100%ビーフのAQUA CAFEバーガープレートをご試食いただきました。
Club owner Mr. Takeo Yokeno showed guests around the facility. The property used to be an estate of a great establishment of the Edo era, the Mito Tokugawa clan. The club, with its meticulously designed facilities to make members relax as if it was their second home, maintains this spirit. The guests at the press preview actually put their hands in the “onsen” bath, or natural hot spring, to have a firsthand experience of the quality of the spring water. After the tour, the guests tried out the 100% beef hamburger plate at AQUA CAFÉ, where all items are made from strictly chosen organic ingredients.
Guests from various media praised Aqua sports & spa with comments such as “it would be fantastic if I could use this facility as my home base”, “the concept of improving your lifestyle at a club ‘as if it was your home’ is really new”.
今後、クラブでは生活を豊かにする様々なイベントを企画、実施していく予定です。Aqua sports & spaからクラブのある生活、新しいライフススタイルの提案をより多くの皆様に発信できるよう、PR活動をサポートしていきます。
The club is planning to launch various events that will add more color to your lifestyle. Candlewick will support Aqua sports & spa by promoting a rich life with a club that improves your daily life, and propose ideas that will make everybody’s way of life even better.
★Aqua sports & spa