As 2023 begins, we are sure you have many plans and goals for the year. And for many, that might involve travel!

Each year we learn more about how important the world is to us, and how we can help. So for this week’s blog, let’s learn about making travel choices that will be good for both the places you visit and the globe.
(Inspired by Insider Magazine’s article.)

  1. Choose a destination that embraces sustainability

When looking at a destination, see if they have a dedicated sustainable travel section on their website. What is the tourism board as a whole doing to support sustainability? New Zealand and Monaco are pathmakers in their commiment to sustainable tourism!Visit fewer places for longer

2. Visit Fewer Placers For Longer

Fewer trips by plane, train or bus mean less energy used to get you around! Whilst sometimes it’s fun to hop from one place to the next to get a lot of experiences in one trip, how about taking things a bit slower? Take in the sights and see so much more of a single destination!

  1. Use sustainable transport at your desination

Whilst a regular taxi can get you around almost anywhere in the world- take some time to reseach any sustainable options at your destination! In Monaco, for example, there are many electric bikes that will help you get up and down the hilly streets. And don’t be afraid to try public transport too!

  1. Pack reusable items

Use the same mindset you use at home- pack a reusable bottle, an eco-bag for shopping! Just be sure to empty your drinkbottle before airport check-in.

  1. Shop local

When it comes to souvenirs, try to avoid the mass-produced knick-knacks and snacks! Instead, look to some items that have been locally made. Not only will you help support the community, you will also pick up some unique items!

Looking foward to seeing all of your travel photos in 2023!!