Working in PR, we get to learn new things about our clients everyday.

This time, we are excited to share with you our new series, “I didn’t know that before!”, where we will be sharing new discoveries about our clients.

Our first story is from Ha, who is supporting the Irish Food Board ‘Bord Bia’ to introduce Ireland Grass-fed beef and lamb to the Japanese Foodie Community.

As someone who had a not-very-good experience with lamb, I joined the team and challenged myself once again with Irish Grass-fed lamb.

I was totally wowed! Turns out I love lamb.

To be exact, I love lamb that is grass-fed that is raised in the favourable climate and clean, well-managed environment of Ireland.

I did not know before that the smell, the taste and the quality of the meat can be very much affected by how the lamb was raised and fed because the Irish grass-fed lamb I tried is very tender with no unpleasant smell.

I highly recommend everyone to try too.

Information about where to enjoy Irish Grass-fed lamb in Japan :

Today I will introduce one “I didn’t know that before!” element about Janu Tokyo. One of the things that surprised me while supporting Janu Tokyo’s PR is the variety of gluten-free, vegan and other health-conscious options in the eight restaurants and bars.

During your stay at the hotel, you can choose between Japanese, American and vegan breakfasts, while the modern Chinese restaurant “Hu Jing” offers a wide range of dishes to suit a variety of dietary needs, such as Cantonese-style sweet sour pork with soya bean meat and vegan bean curd!

All sweets sold at “Janu Patisserie” are made from wasanbon or millet sugar instead of white sugar, making them a great choice for foodies who want to choose something both tasty and good for them! Gluten-free and vegan menus are gradually increasing in Japan, but I was surprised to see them so well integrated into the menu!

We would like to share fun facts about Monaco that we would not have known if it wasn’t for our PR support work with Monaco Tourism.

Monaco has the image of a safe, secure, and clean country, but did you know that the country boasts the highest number of police officers per population in the world? The police officers in Monaco are very quick to help someone in trouble and assist in a kind manner. Women can safely walk the streets of Monaco alone late at night due to this police security.

Another fun fact is that Monaco has the highest number of Michelin-starred restaurants per square area in the world! The cuisine of the top chefs is exceptional, combining the best of French and Italian food with fresh Mediterranean seafood. Monaco also leads the world in sustainable practices! You can enjoy a wide variety of gourmet foods, including international and vegan dishes, using vegetables and fruits grown in their own vegetable gardens.

I would like to share a fun fact about avocados which I would have never known if I was not doing the PR for New Zealand avocados, Avanza 🥑

Avocado is not a vegetable, but a fruit! And, unusually, the fruit remains hard while on the tree and begins to ripen when harvested. Also, the previous year’s crop and the new crop grow on the same tree at the same time. If the previous year’s crop was high, the next year’s crop may be very low, so production changes from season to season. In Japan, avocados are only available in season from September to November, but New Zealanders can enjoy fresh avocados all year round 🥑

We would like to introduce the beautiful beaches of Turkiye as part of our ‘What I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t work with’ Turkiye’s Culture and Tourism Office✨

Turkiye is famous for its metropolis, Istanbul, but it is also surrounded by the sea on three sides, making it a popular beach resort in Europe. Izmir, Turkiye’s third-largest city on the Aegean Sea, was attracted a lot of attention and has been named “Best in Travel 2024” by Lonely Planet. A picturesque seaside town, delicious and healthy Aegean cuisine, and a World Heritage site with a rich history – there is plenty to see and do!

I personally recommend visiting a Turkish winery 🍷 where you can enjoy local wines made from Turkish grapes, which are not yet well known in Japan!

We would like to introduce the astonishingly beautiful starry skies of New Zealand as part of our ‘What I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t work with’ Tourism New Zealand✨

New Zealand has five “Dark Sky Reserves,” comprising of two Dark Sky Reserves, two Dark Sky Sanctuaries, and one Dark Sky Park, which are recognised by the International Dark Sky Association. Lake Tekapo, which is known as “the most beautiful starry sky in the world”, is one of these reserves. By restricting light pollution the reserves not only provide a better view of the stars, but also conserve energy and protect wildlife.

In addition, based on the concept that it is essential for both the environment and culture to continue to protect the dark and beautiful night sky, New Zealand is aiming to be certified as a “Starry Sky Protected Country,” where the entire country will be recognised as a starry sky protected area.

New Zealand is about to start its winter season. This summer, how about taking a summer vacation away from the heat of Japan to enjoy the starry skies under the crisp winter sky? During the winter, you might be able to see the Northern Lights, which spread over the regions close to the North and South Pole!

©MilesHolden ©Pete Monk Photography

Today I would like to share a fun fact about Irish cheese-maker Carbery Dairy, which I would have never known if I had not visited their factory just outside Ballineen in West Cork, Ireland🧀

On a recent visit to Carbery HQ I discovered that Carbery manage their production process using a circular economy to ensure they use every last drop of milk that enters their factory. It is such a incredible and unique way of minimising waste 🤩

Simply put, the grass-fed milk that is delivered to Carbery by their farmer shareholders produces curd, which eventually becomes the delicious cheese we associate with Carbery Dairy and whey, which is used in nutritional products such a protein powders and baby formula. The whey permeate that is produced when abstracting proteins from whey is used to generate bioethanol, most of which is used as biofuel. A co product of creating bioethanol is stillage waste, at Carbery this is put through an Anaerobic Digestor and biomethane is generated from this waste stream. This carbon neutral fuel is used in our CHP boilers to generate steam, delivering a percentage of the Ballineen site’s steam requirements. The final coproduct resulting from our processing is a nutrient-rich fertilizer, which is used by farmers throughout West Cork as an ideal bio-stimulant for grass and crops.

We are proud to be working with this cooperative at the heart of their community, striving to not only minimise their footprint on the planet, but also make the most of their precious resources 🌍

‘What I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t work with’ New Zealand JAZZ™ apples!

Today I am going to introduce a recipe, using JAZZ™ apples🍎

The New Zealand JAZZ™ apple season in Japan is from May to August each year. During that period @jazzapplejp introduces a variety of recipes 😋

Until I took charge of this project, I had no idea that so many recipes using apples existed!

Here is one of the many recipes we have posted on our account!

Jazz™ apple and roast beef open sandwich:

【Ingredients for sauce】

1/2 JAZZ™ apple, grated

1/2 tablespoon soy sauce

1 teaspoon honey

1/2 small garlic (grated)

1/2 small amount of ginger (grated)

1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

【How to make】

Put all the ingredients in a frying pan and lightly fry the grated apple until the flavor is absorbed! Place the roast beef and sauce on your favorite bread and serve✨

Starting this week, we will be introducing various recipes and campaign information, so be sure to check out @jazzapplejp ❣